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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Media Somehow Misses Spitzer's Party Affiliation

If you're observant, you've probably noticed that for some inexplicable reason (scratch head here), the "mainstream" media has often missed the party affiliation of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer when discussing his hooker scandal.

If you're observant and insightful, you've probably made the connection that the party affiliation has been omitted because Spitzer is a Democrat.

The "mainstream" media never misses an opportunity to use the "Republican" or "conservative" label when one of them is involved in a scandal (usually breathlessly repeating it like a mantra), but when the perpetrator is a Democrat, you often have to actually go to the politicians website to determine their party affiliation.

The Media Research Center and Newsbusters have done a comparison to some of the other scandals committed by Republicans, and put a number on the Spitzer scandal.

The list of examples goes on, but the bottom line is that in the early days of their scandals, Vitter and Craig were labeled as Republicans on every broadcast news program — 100% — that mentioned their wrongdoing. For Democrat Spitzer, four out of five news programs (80%) have skipped his label. On NBC’s Today and Nightly News through Wednesday night, reporters never once acknowledged that Spitzer was a Democrat.

Surprised? I didn't think so.


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