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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ron Paul 'Winding Down' But Not Done Yet

Though Ron Paul issued a video which certainly sounded like he was quitting, and reading in several places online that he was quitting, I guess he was just teasing.

You Decide 2008 points to this CNN report that Paul is apparently still in the race.

His campaign is "certainly winding down" given the number of primaries left, but it's not over, Paul said Monday on CNN's "American Morning."

"If you're in a campaign for only gaining power, that's one thing. If you're in a campaign to influence ideas and the future of the country, the campaign is never over."

Maybe his campaign will never be over; maybe Paul 2012 is already under way.

Whether he did or didn't quit last week, I don't think anyone noticed either way, but in the interest of accuracy I wanted to issue this correction.


Unknown said...

Thank you very much for issuing this correction. It's good to see someone in the media take their responsibilities to the truth seriously.

Dakota Voice
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