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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, March 09, 2008

Hillary Clinton Perception? You're winning but I'll let you come in second!

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Hillary Clinton never fails to amaze me with her blatant lies and obvious attempts to manipulate people, situations and events. Does she think we are so stupid that we can't figure these things out? Or, maybe she thinks we will be utterly impressed?

I could be wrong, but I don't think Clinton and her clan have stopped to think that while she may have gained votes through deceit that hadn't yet caught up with her, there is still another election. It's called the General Election and there is plenty of time remaining for people to find out that they were deceived. Then what does Clinton do? Does she really think every voter is simply going to see this as "all's fair in love and politics", chuckle and admire her ability to play dirty?

It IS amazing how, while Obama is ahead, Clinton is out there giving speeches like she is in the lead and might just have Obama join on her ticket for the presidential bid. It's like she is saying to him, "You're winning, but I'll be nice and let you come in second behind me." Once again, I have to wonder just how stupid she thinks Obama and the rest of us are?

It is ALSO amazing how Hillary is suggesting that Obama is not trustworthy, vetted or capable, but, on the other hand, he is good enough to run (as runner-up) on her ticket for the presidential bid?

Hillary Clinton has been telling the world how she has all this foreign policy experience, without giving up the specifics of her claim. However, it appears that recently she did cite some specifics when pressed. One of the things she apparently claimed was to have "negotiated with Macedonia to open up its border to refugees from Kosovo." (Chicago Tribune) Then we have the follow-up to her claims. According to the Chicago Tribune piece "Clinton's experience claim under scrutiny" ( - seems like Hillary has been exaggerating more than a little bit. Looks like she was a day late and a negotiation short in both that situation and her claim.

Does this mean that we get to consider Hillary's trustworthiness, or does she get a free pass because she never claimed she was going to rise above the dirty politics to win fairly?

Hillary's chant is that she is a fighter! But being a fighter is not necessarily something to be proud of, especially when one is doing the stirring in the first place. And what happens when we need a negotiator, rather than a dirty fighting bully?

People from all over the world saw Bill and Hillary Clinton outright lie about what Obama said in one interview alone. Is that what we want the world to see us as? A people that believe in rewarding the best liars, bullies and manipulators? Or, a people too stupid to see what is shoved right in our faces?

Lie supporters or stupid -- either way -- it doesn't say much for us, as a people and country, to try to hold one candidate to such strict standards that there is no room for even a mistake of mis-wording, while the other candidate can say and do whatever -- including lying and being proud of it. It certainly will say a great deal to other countries though, should the latter be the one to win, especially to win by deceit.

The primary isn't over and I don't see Obama rolling over and simply letting Hillary win because she wants to. However, I can imagine all the eyebrows going up and gasps of frustration, when the Obama campaign heard Hillary and Bill were out there suggesting that they might let the current winner (Obama) take second place on the ticket.

Not trusting Hillary Clinton at all, I wonder if the Clintons are trying to put Obama in a position where he might make a statement that they might be able to "take" or "twist" as a suggestion that he might consider her as his running mate, so they can pounce on it as though it is an actual offer. One never knows with that pair of Clintons, and no one can call me on saying so. After all, the Clintons brag about their ability to manipulate and fight dirty, so how can they (or their supporters) get mad at me for pointing out that they sure do both?

I don't know about the rest of this crazy world, but if the person I was beating offered to "let" me be in second place, I'd be looking around for the men in white coats, 'cause I don't see that as good politics -- I see it as delusional! And that's my perception of it and no pretty speech, debate or discussion is going to change it.

Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


Stephen said...

You could not have stated "it" more perfectly. I am a 24 year-old, Ohio law student, and for the past week, I have felt as though I were living in another dimension. Granted we are educated, is the rest of America really that stupid? I sincerely hope not. Thank the universe there are journalist like you who will not be fooled by the Clinton Spin Machine.

Obama 08~

Anonymous said...

/hill as veep would poison Obama so shed become prez.

Anonymous said...

Obama has nothing.

His Iraq speech - he wont do what he promised, according to Samantha Powers who was fired after exposing the truth.

NAFTA - he tells one thing to you, another to the Canadians.

His Healthcare policy - leaves 15 Million out, because he played it safe. And he is lying if he says he is not.

His speeches - recycled speeches from DeVal Patrick.

His economic policy - copied from Clinton

"Yes we can" - stolen from Dolores Huerta (after they dragged her in the mud in NV)

Stop the Drama, Stop Obama!

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Anonymous, is yours a prepared statement to simply plaster across the internet in behalf of Hillary?

Did you once address the issues presented in the article or are you trying to merely take the focus off her inappropriate behavior?

Here's the thing...

You could be right about everything you said about Obama, and it still wouldn't change the FACTS about Hillary! They still remain and I can guarantee you that you won't take my focus off them with you feeble attempts to distract!

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Yes, Stephen, it does often feel as though one is in another dimension when dealing with people who have no problem looking a person in the eye and boldly lying to them, then disrespecting the person even further by making the person seem like the bad one for daring to question or point out that was a lie.

That aside...

Thank you for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News!!! Major Political Scandal!!!

Large numbers of Republicans have been voting for Barack Obama in the DEMOCRATIC primaries, and caucasus. Because they feel he would be a weaker opponent against John McCain. And because they feel that a Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama ticket would be unbeatable.

Hillary Clinton has actually won by much larger margins than the vote totals showed. And lost by much smaller vote margins than the vote totals showed. Her delegate count is actually much higher than it shows. And higher than Obama’s. HILLARY CLINTON IS ALREADY THE TRUE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE!

As much as 30% of Obama's primary, and caucus votes are Republicans trying to choose the weakest democratic candidate for McCain to run against. These Republicans have been gaming the caucuses where it is easier to vote cheat. This is why Obama has not been able to win the BIG! states primaries. Even with Republican cheating.

If Obama is the democratic nominee for the national election in November he will be slaughtered. Because the vote cheating help will suddenly evaporate. All of this vote fraud and republican manipulation has made Obama falsely look like a much stronger candidate than he really is.

The democratic party needs to fix this outrage. I suggest a Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama ticket now! All democrats need to throw all your support to Hillary Clinton. So you can end this outrage against YOU the voter, and against democracy.

Fortunately the Clinton’s have been able to hold on against this fraudulent outrage with those repeated dramatic comebacks of Hillary Clinton’s. Only the Clinton’s are that resourceful, and strong. Hillary Clinton is your WINNER! They are the best I have ever seen.

You should be angry America. “This is not a game” (Hillary Clinton)



Anonymous said...

Mr. Smith, I don't know how much Republican crossing over there was in the early primaries, but to call it "cheating" is nonsense. There were a good deal of Democrat votes for McCain, as well. Besides, Obama specifically invited Republicans to vote Democrat for "one day" for him as you can read about here:

A Clinton-Obama ticket would be a dream ticket...for Republicans. Hillary would start out with 49% negatives according to polls. And to add an inexperienced, naive running mate would do little to help. Besides the inexperience of both candidates, a ticket with the first female and first black may be more than many Americans would be willing to risk.

To hear a Clinton supporter complain about cheating and fraud is worth the price of admission. I hope these two continue at each other throats all the way to Denver. I am certain that Clinton, Inc. won't let me down.

Anonymous said...

hey theo, there's a difference between a republican who votes in hopes that a particular democratic candidate wins and one who votes only to ensure "the fight" is prolonged and with no intention of voting for him or her in the general election. is it any wonder mccain has such a following with all these idiots out there? theo , i trust that you'll figure out whether or not you fit into that category.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, you speak the truth. We need more journalists who are willing to do the same. It doesn't help when the press goes "soft" or "bully" on a candidate. We are in desperate need of a fair account of both campaigns. Hearing Hillary speak this week, you'd think that she was the one who enjoyed a 12-state winning streak!!! The N E R V E to suggest that Obama and her could be a dynamic duo after she disembowelled at every opportunity these past few weeks- that's rich. I wonder if in her '35' years of experience she includes covert mind-control operations because that would explain a lot!!!! I get dizzy when I listen to the Clinton camp. According to them what's blue is pink; 2+2=0 and what's up is actually down. Orwellian times indeed. This reminds me of a classic Bush line:'When I say war I mean peace.'

How much more of this? If only Hillary had put considerable effort in building a solid campaign, she wouldn't have to resort to gutter tactics and pathetic schemes like sending her trolls (jacksmith) to invade various boards. I can't tell you how many sites I 've been that have the same long cut and paste nonsensical pro-Clinton posts. Truly sad.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful writing, I could'nt agree more. Thanks for posting this


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Thank you, Anonymous (11:18 AM)!

Yes, our jacksmith has been a very busy Hillary-toy. I, too, have seen the same cut and paste in other locations. I guess the plan of action remains the same... When confronted with those little things like annoying facts -- change the subject and try to overwhelm with distracting distraction.

I had to chuckle when I read, "I wonder if in her '35' years of experience she includes covert mind-control operations because that would explain a lot!!!! I get dizzy when I listen to the Clinton camp. According to them what's blue is pink; 2+2=0 and what's up is actually down."

Yep! And, it sure looks like they think one mind should fit all! How dare we think for ourselves or use our own reasoning power to decide what is truth... what is reality?!?! Shame on us for being so unruly in the kingdom hopeful!

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Thank you, AJ! Much appreciated!

Ellie said...

LOL you guys must think Hillary Clinton is just brilliant for coming up with all that nonsense in the article. I know I do. She's the most qualified and there is no on out there more prepared to be president than Hillary Clinton. Plain and simple. So she's being mean and critical on poor baby Barack, well I say boo hoo....I think she is the best person for the job and she apparently does too. So do millions of other voters. And no we're not stupid or blindly following some newbie around and fainting when he speaks. Sorry. So keep writing your negative, hateful articles and nonsense about Hillary Clinton. That's the problem and has been the problem with supporters of Barack Obama from the very beginning even before the 11 state win---they are ugly, nasty, hateful people that need to chill out and regroup before they lose their minds.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

You might want to read the article again. It is about Hillary's inappropriate behavior and responses. At no time did I ask you to either feel sorry for Obama or to vote for him. But then... as I have said... the Clinton clan does have a tendency to go for distraction, rather than face and address issues that are not favorable to them.

With that said... let's talk about your post...

You might want to take note that millions of voters have also voted for Obama. As a matter of fact, he leads in pledged delegates.

You say Hillary is the most qualified. Saying it does not make it so. Please give some supporting evidence. What makes her anymore qualified than Obama or anyone else for that matter?

Speaking of newbies...

What was Bill Clinton when he ran for president? And are you classifying Hillary as a graduate from newbie school based upon her time in office or her husband's?

Then we come to another question...

Are you suggesting that it is quite okay for Bill and Hillary Clinton to blatantly lie, but negative and wrong of me to report it when they do?

Going back to my article...

I said, "One never knows with that pair of Clintons, and no one can call me on saying so. After all, the Clintons brag about their ability to manipulate and fight dirty, so how can they (or their supporters) get mad at me for pointing out that they sure do both."

So your point was?

Anonymous said...


Yes, Stephen, it does often feel as though one is in another dimension when dealing with people who have no problem looking a person in the eye and boldly lying to them, then disrespecting the person even further by making the person seem like the bad one for daring to question or point out that was a lie.


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

It doesn't matter how I feel about Obama. The topic of the article was Hillary Clinton. Nothing has changed in that regard.

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