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Friday, March 14, 2008

Pastors Sitting out the Fight for Life

Pastor Steve Hickey at Voices Carry reports that despite a very good response from most pastors and churches on the abortion ban petition, there are a few who have chosen to sit out the fight to protect human life that is created in the image of God.

Pastor Steve's latest post lists a few of the excuses he's heard:

1) "This isn't good for my congregation." Oh, dear pastor, if only you knew how "good" this is for your congregation and how tied this is to God's favor in your midst and nationally. God blesses those who bless kids.

2) "Lady, you can't guilt me into this!" Sir, study the bloodguilt Scriptures. The guilt is inescapable. And, by the way, be nice. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Your tone is quite revealing.

3) "No, we aren't putting petitions out. I'm not going to create problems for myself." Pastor, what other key mandates in Scripture do you avoid so as to not make waves? My congregation thanks me for strong moral leadership.

Read the whole post at Pastor Steve's personal blog, Voices Carry.


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