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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ultrasound Video Shows Who Pro-Lifers are Trying to Save

This is ultrasound footage from the DVD: "Eyewitness to the Earliest Days of Life"

The little people you saw moving around inside their mothers at only a few weeks development? Those are the little people we're trying to save with the South Dakota abortion ban and petition drive.

I hope you'll sign the petition and vote for the ban in November.


Anonymous said...

4D ultrasound is a powerful tool in changing hearts regarding abortion. No longer a blob of parasitic tissue, we see the magnificence of the developing human almost from the time of conception. Abortion advocates hate this technology and are trying to convince women that what they see is an enhanced image that is not reality. Might we call them "anti-science?"

Bob Ellis said...

Good point, Theo. Liberals only like "science" when it can be twisted and reinterpreted to support their goals. When it can't, it's ignored.

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