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Friday, March 14, 2008

Misdiagnosis Leads to Abortion of Healthy Child

From comes the story of a woman who was told by St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York that she had an ectopic pregnancy, which means the embryo implants in the fallopian tube. Such a pregnancy is fatal to the unborn child and can be very hazardous for the mother.

Based on the hospital's diagnosis, Ndoye agreed to terminate her pregnancy, and was given a shot of methotrexate, a drug that would kill the embryo. When Ndoye returned later in the day for a follow-up shot, the doctors informed her that the first diagnosis had been a mistake, and that her pregnancy was, in fact, healthy.

But by then, it was too late. The drug had done it's work, and her child was dead.
Ndoye claims that doctors exerted heavy pressure for her to abort the pregnancy before she was informed of the mistake. She said the sonogram technician "freaked out" after her examination, and called a doctor, who advised termination of the pregnancy.

"I thought my life was threatened," said Ndoye.

This is not the only time a diagnosis has been mistaken.

It's important to be sure, even seek a second opinion in such cases, because doctors and other medical personnel are just like the rest of us: they're human, and they can make mistakes.

But once an abortion is performed, it's too late. The only think left is regret.


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