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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, January 19, 2008


Sex charges involve children

ST. CHARLES — A 31-year-old woman was jailed Friday on charges she forced two children to imitate sex acts portrayed in a pornographic movie.

The woman, Jennifer N. Loggans, also had sexual contact with the children, both of whom are under 12, police said.

Loggans, of St. Charles, faces felony charges of using children in a sexual performance, two counts of attempted statutory sodomy and endangering the welfare of a child. She was held on $30,000 cash-only bail at the St. Charles County Jail.

(Full article)

It seems we are having a rash of sex crimes against children by women. Perhaps we are just beginning to learn the part women have played in such crimes all along. Regardless, in all such cases, it does show the decline of morality within our society. A decline that we need to be addressing before it is too late.


Anonymous said...

I'm kind of confused as to why this is tagged "feminism".

Bob Ellis said...

I wasn't the person who posted this one, so I'm not sure. It might have a loose connection to feminism, in that the woman in this article was acting outside the norm for females--and feminists usually advocate women acting outside the norms, both natural and societal. Maybe that's why.

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

I'm sorry Gabriel & Bob, I didn't immediately look to see what the post was and then I forgot. My bad!

It seems as feminism (as in feminist) has taken hold, more and more women are acting out in ways that use to be associated mainly with males.

Anonymous said...

"...feminists usually advocate women acting outside the norms, both natural and societal."

Do we? I guess that would depend on what you consider natural and societal norms. If you mean subordination by and submission to men, then yes, we do. If you mean sexually assaulting children, then I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a feminist who thinks that's anything but appalling. Feminism is VERY concerned about the issue of sexual assault, as it's largely a womens' rights issue.

Your responses imply, obviously, that sexual assault is a behavior that is not normal. Do you mean that it is not normal for women, or that it is not normal for people? If you mean that it is not normal for all people, then it's hardly a feminist issue, since feminists simply want rights for women equal to those of all people... not for them to do things that people don't already do. If you mean that it is not normal for women, then ask yourself: is it normal for men? Considering something 'normal' is dangerously close to condoning it, and that's the reading I took when I read the 'feminism' tag on this article. Can you comment on that, please?

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Gabriel, it was my post and I am the one that tagged it. Furthermore, I responded to your inquiry as to why I tagged it as I did, yet you ignored my response and chose to challenge Bob's reply instead. Am I to assume that is because he is a man and no matter how he words something, you will find fault with it and that was your intent from the onset?

Bob Ellis said...

Gabriel, sexual assault is not normal for either sex. Since women are NORMALLY not as aggressive as men (testosterone tends to produce more aggression), aggressive actions are even LESS normal for women.

And by lack of aggression I don't mean docile or subjugated by men. Women throughout history have held their own and influenced people and events without acting like men.

God created each of us with unique characteristics and gifts. Men and women should be happy with how God created us to be.

Anonymous said...


As I understood the comments, you and Bob said just about the same thing, so I was responding to both posts. It's silly to say that I disagree with Bob only because he's a man. I'm also a man, so does that mean I have to disagree with myself?

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Gabriel, you not only quoted Bob ONLY, you said, "Do we? I guess that would depend on what you consider natural and societal norms. If you mean subordination by and submission to men, then yes, we do. If you mean sexually assaulting children, then I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a feminist who thinks that's anything but appalling. Feminism is VERY concerned about the issue of sexual assault, as it's largely a womens' rights issue."

Your response made it sound as though you are a woman though I did wonder about the spelling of the name. Men are now "feminist"? That's a new one on me.

Regardless, I implied none of what you simply threw out there.

I said, "It seems as feminism (as in feminist) has taken hold, more and more women are acting out in ways that use to be associated mainly with males."

Can you provide stats that suggest I am wrong?

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