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Monday, January 14, 2008

George McGovern Worse than Front Page High School Sports

Apparently I'm not the only person who thinks the "mainstream" press gives radical liberal George McGovern too much ink.

From today's Rapid City Journal Letters to the Editor:

George McGovern on Page 1 is worse than high school sports

If The Journal staff believes anything George McGovern says is fodder for a lead story (Jan. 7), I think they should again consider putting high school sports n the front page.

I’m reasonably sure that many of your current staff were not even voters when George McGovern was our senator and then ran for President. Had you been, you would remember George as a man who could carry only one state in the presidential election ... and that wasn’t his home state.

You would remember the only reason he was elected to Congress was the Republicans didn’t run anyone who could walk and chew gum at the same time. As almost any incumbent he was always re-elected for all the pork he could bring back to our state, and possibly South Dakotans believed he deserved a chance to improve. He didn’t.

If George had a time, his time has long since passed. He has about as much credibility as Jimmy Carter. When either George or Jimmy opens their mouth, a person doesn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. I become ill.

No, George is receiving his Congressional Golden Parachute and deserves no more attention.

Rapid City


Anonymous said...

Mr. Moore's letter says it well. I've often wondered how some of the most radical congressmen come from states that I would presume to be conservative, or at least traditional. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nevada, Alabama and Oklahoma come to mind. I guess it just shows the power of pork!

Dakota Voice
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