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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Another Huckabee Skeleton Out of the Closet

The Arkansas Journal is reporting on another of Mike Huckabee's irresponsible exercises of clemency as governor of Arkansas:

In 1994 John Henry Claiborne, a man already convicted of 6 prior felonies, kicked in the back door of the home of Homer and Vivian Allbritton and held them at gunpoint with a stolen shotgun while he robbed them. Claiborne took all the valuables he could carry from the Allbrittons' house, including Mrs. Allbritton's wedding ring that he stripped from her finger as she lay on the ground. Claiborne then stole the Allbrittons' car and drove away. He was soon arrested, put on trial, and sentenced to 375 years behind bars. Three years after Mike Huckabee commuted Claiborne's sentence, he is once again the target of prosecutors for his alleged felonies.

Claiborne remained in prison until 2004, when then-Governor Mike Huckabee commuted his sentence to "time served" and released him, over the objections of law enforcement, jurors in Claiborne's case, and the Allbritton family.

The release says Claiborne was again arrested in the fall of 2007 on drug dealing charges.

What does it take to get a dangerous criminal locked away from society, these days???

And how does a Baptist preacher justify such reckless disregard for justice, public safety and respect for the law???


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