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Sunday, January 13, 2008

McGovern in Left Field on Impeachment

Alan Aker's column in the Rapid City Journal today addresses the bogus appeal from George McGovern for the impeachment of President Bush.

I agree with pretty much all of what Aker said, but this paragraph is where he gets to the heart of why calls for impeachment are bogus:

Having said all that, may I suggest why the talk about impeaching Bush is so dangerous? It’s because it would be an impeachment over a policy difference, not a crime. There is proof of this in McGovern’s own statements. McGovern lists some of Bush’s “crimes,” but legally, they’re indistinguishable from the actions of past presidents in places like Kosovo, Grenada and Panama. The real proof this impeachment talk is political is that McGovern, like most impeachment proponents, can’t help adding policy and competence criticisms to the would-be bill of impeachment. A neutral authority alleging real criminal acts would refrain from this, and the Bush critics seem incapable of doing so.

Aker was more charitable to McGovern than I would be. McGovern is an embarassment to the state of South Dakota with nutty ideas like this, as well as his radical Marxist ideas that go against the foundational principles upon which our nation and state were created.

His commendable military service during World War II is eclipsed by his advocacy of policies that would seriously damage the health of our free nation.


Anonymous said...

"an embarassment to the state of South Dakota"

Wow. You're just a mean, petty person, Mr. Ellis.

Bob Ellis said...

One person's mean is another person's honest.

Bob Ellis said...

Oh, and Anonymous: you don't think calling for impeachment with no grounds isn't mean? You think McGovern's advocacy of using government power to take property away from one person and give it to another isn't mean? You think defending a bunch of bloodthirsty communists isn't mean? You have an odd definition of "mean."

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