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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bill Mandating College Applications Killed in Committee

From the Rapid City Journal, that stupid bill SB 67 to require high school students to apply to college (whether they intend to go or not) has died a quick death.

The committee voted unanimously to defer the measure to the 36th legislative day. In a 35-day session, that means the bill is dead.

As imperfect as it is, this is why our republican form of government is far superior to dictatorships and oligarchies. Stupid ideas are far more likely to be stomped out when you have a group of several (presumably) intelligent people looking at it...and held accountable by the voters for what they decide.
Even the sponsor, Senator Cooper Garnos of Presho, admitted it was a weak bill.
Garnos said one student told him "it was the stupidest idea he'd ever heard." Garnos also told the Senate Education Committee, "I think there might possibly be some opponents to this bill."

That line got a laugh, but Garnos said his only goal was to encourage more applications. "Most people in this day and age need some further education," he said.

Yeah, and I need more money, too, but it isn't the role of the government to mandate that my employer pay me more, any more than it's the role of government to mandate that students must apply to institutions of higher learning.


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