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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fetal Sonogram Bill Introducd

KELO is reporting on a bill introduced by Senator Dennis Schmidt (Dist. 33) that would require abortion facilities to provide sonograms to mothers before their children could be aborted.

Introduced Tuesday was a bill that would require abortion facilities to offer sonograms to pregnant women and girls.

SB 88, offered by Republican Sen. Dennis Schmidt of Rapid City, would ban abortions from being done without first offering females the chance to view the ultrasound images of their fetuses.

The list of co-sponsors is actually quite long: Senators Schmidt (Dennis), Albers, Apa, Duenwald, Gant, Gray, Greenfield, Hansen (Tom), Hauge, Hunhoff, Kloucek, Koetzle, Lintz, Maher, McNenny, Peterson (Jim), Smidt (Orville), and Sutton and Representatives Weems, Boomgarden, Brunner, Davis, DeVries, Dykstra, Hackl, Heineman, Howie, Hunt, Jerke, Juhnke, Koistinen, Miles, Moore, Nelson, Noem, Novstrup (Al), Novstrup (David), Olson (Betty), Rausch, Rave, Rhoden, Steele, Van Etten, Wick, and Willadsen.

Short of getting rid of abortion altogether, this is a good move. If mothers are able to see that what is growing inside them is actually a human being, the odds are much greater they will respect human life and not abort the child.

One of the main reasons a civilized nation like the United States can tolerate such a barbaric practice (other than the drive for sexual freedom) is that we tend to keep the question of human life inside the womb academic, rather than allowing a face to be put on it. The sonogram essentially puts a face on the contents of her womb.

A sonogram provides more medical information to the mother. Can one make a sound, logical argument against more low-cost medical information in the decision-making process?


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