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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

More than One Third Consider Marriage Unnecessary

According to OneNewsNow and a new Zogby poll, 44% of Americans between 20 and 69 find marriage unnecessary.

Zogby International and AOL surveyed more than 7,000 Americans in that age bracket and found 44 percent who said marriage is not necessary in order to have a committed, fulfilling, life-long relationship.

This despite research which finds married people are healthier and live longer--so it's not only a moral imperitive but a practical one.

Cohabitation prior to marriage is also a bad idea:
...research by Rutgers University's National Marriage Project indicates that couples who live together before marriage are 46 percent more likely to divorce and significantly more likely to experience domestic violence within their relationships.

The erosion of marriage chips away mightily at the foundation of societal order and well being. Moral compromises usually have practical consequences.

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Carrie K. Hutchens said...

I think the government has had a big hand in this change of attitude regarding the "need" for marriage.

Some years back, elderly people began simply living together, because they couldn't financially afford the benefit of marriage. To get married meant their checks would be reduced. Unable to survive the income loss, they chose to go against their life-long beliefs and merely live together.

Point being... with the government penalizing some groups of people for getting married, just how much influence has this had on defining the opinion about the "need" for marriage?

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