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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Huckabee Snuggles Council on Foreign Relations

WorldNetDaily says Mike Huckabee is taking foreign policy advise from a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is getting more heat both online and in person from critics who scold the former governor for consulting the president of the Council on Foreign Relations on issues of international affairs.
Last month, Huckabee confirmed to CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he consults CFR President Richard Haass on foreign affairs matters – a fact that has circulated among bloggers and anti-globalism activists.

"Who are your principal foreign policy advisers, Governor," asked Blitzer.

Huckabee responded: "Well, I have a number of people from whom I get policy. I'm talking to Frank Gaffney. I talk to Richard Haass."

The National Expositor website pointed out Haass penned a column in the Taipei Times that called on sovereign nations to cede power to global bodies.

"States must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function," Haass wrote. "This is already taking place in the trade realm. Governments agree to accept the rulings of the WTO because on balance they benefit from an international trading order even if a particular decision requires that they alter a practice that is their sovereign right to carry out.

I'm aware that a lot of people have concerns about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). I've read a lot of material about globalist concerns and one-world government concerns, and the CFR is mixed up in many of these, but at the end of the day, I'm unconvinced by many of these conspiracy theories that claim the CFR et al are running the world.

Still, in the favor of these conspiracy theory groups is the fact that Mike Huckabee's star "coincidentally" began to rise around the time he made a speech to the CFR in September. Could he have reassured this group of elitists that he was "on the plantation" and thus received the favor he needed to become a "viable" candidate in the eyes of the establishment?

I don't know. But it makes me wonder. But anyone who is advising that American sovereignty be surrendered is working against the good of our country.


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