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Saturday, January 12, 2008

How Republicans can help elect a Democrat


The opportunity for Republicans to hold onto the presidency in 2008 is far better than what conventional punditry would have us believe. But for Republicans to capture this opportunity, they are going to have to stop the destructiveness that has been fomenting inside the party and the mudslinging against their own.

As I wrote in a recent column, year-end highlights from the Pew Research Center show the Republican Party in a state that can be seen as either a glass half empty or half full.

On the half empty part, Pew reports that now "fully half (50 percent) of Americans identified with or leaned toward the Democratic Party, compared with just 36 percent who affiliated with the Republican Party." (Full Article)


Anonymous said...

I found your article on Digg.

I support Ron Paul and I encourage your readers to do the same, that is if they do not want to help put a Democrat in the White House.

In my opinion, Mr. Huckabee would not fair very well in a general election.

Michael Pannone

Whereas, Ron Paul can defeat the Democrat nominee because no other candidate can match his record for consistency and integrity to constitutional principle, his depth of knowledge for economics, his promotion of truly free market capitalism, non-intervention at home and abroad, individual liberty and responsibility, defender of the Bill of Rights, honoring the oath of office, his desire to reduce the size and scope of government, sound monetary policy, etc., etc., etc.

The good Doctor as been ridiculed and marginalized since he entered the race. His electability has been questioned. His response in the recent SC debate put all those looking for his departure in their place.

See this video:

So I agree with your assessment that the GOP needs to wise up very quickly. It must recognize the sentiment of discontent across the country. The People do want "change". Substantial change. But other than Ron Paul, all that is being offered by either party is change from big-government to more and bigger government.

Lip service to the Constitution and limited government and more pandering to any group that finds their way before a candidate will not bring out the vote for the Republican party.

If the Republican party wants to win in November 2008 it better quickly return to core, old right, Republican principles. There is a candidate ready, willing and able to carry the message. Is the Republican party ready for his strong medicine?

Bob Ellis said...

I greatly respect Star Parker and agree with her most of the time. But I honestly don't know how she can support Huckabee, who's more liberal than he is conservative.

Yes, he's pro life and appears to be pro-marriage. But beyond that, he's liberal on national security, illegal immigration, taxes, education, big government, and soft on crime.

If you're looking to support the "best of the worst" (which is what all the front runners are) then Huckabee certainly fits that bill.

But it's an insult to conservatism to say that Huckabee is a conservative.

Anonymous said...

What ever.

Bruce -

Dakota Voice
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