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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, January 10, 2008

Gilchrist Accepts Responsibility for Huckabee Misquote

OneNewsNow says Jim Gilchrist is taking responsibility for the confusion over Huckabee's support for a constitutional amendment to curtail automatic citizenship for children born in the United States to illegal aliens.

Gilchrist admits the mistake was his own, and that it was not something the GOP presidential hopeful planned to pursue if elected.

"I should take the blame for this; I misquoted the governor. All the heat falls on me," he maintains, explaining Huckabee would leave it to the rule of law. "... He's going to leave it to the Supreme Court [or Congress] to handle. That's what he meant. When I talked to my writer, I took him out of context."

Gilchrist says he is supporting Huckabee because he is the only candidate who has released a written plan on how to deal with illegal immigration. Gilchrist has been stumping for Huckabee in Michigan.

I wonder if Gilchrist considered weighing Huckabee's record on immigration against what he's saying these days when he's looking for our votes.


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