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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Homosexuals Demand Christians Help Them Defy God

A confused transgender man has filed a discrimination lawsuit against a Catholic hospital for not coddling him in his confusion.

From NewsMax:

Fifty-seven-year-old Charlene Hastings already had one major surgery she needed to become a woman. But she says when she called Seton Medical Center to inquire about breast enlargement surgery, an official told her it wasn't "God's will" for her to get that treatment.

If it had been God's will for this man to have larger breasts, God would have made him a woman--but obviously He didn't.

If this man wants to pretend he's a woman, I suppose there's nothing anyone can do to stop him, though it would be good if he got some therapy to help him deal with reality.

But in filing this lawsuit, he's demanding that a Catholic hospital join him in defying God's will and implying that God doesn't know what He's doing.

It's not good enough for the sexually confused to gain acceptance from normal people--they now demand our assistance, regardless of our religious beliefs, in going against God's design.

Very dangerous days we live in. Very dangerous, indeed.


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