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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gitmo lawyers endorse Obama

Besides Edward's likely support, Obama has won the endorsement of lawyers who have taken the side of enemy combatants against America. The Soros crowd will surely be thrilled.

From the Miami Herald:

More than 80 attorneys who have been offering free-of-charge legal services to Guantánamo detainees issued a statement Monday supporting Democrat Barack Obama's presidential bid.

'We are at a critical point in the presidential campaign, and as lawyers who have been deeply involved in the Guantánamo litigation to preserve the important right to habeas corpus, we are writing to urge you to support Senator Obama,' the lawyers said in an open letter dated Monday.

Obama has gone further than many. In a November, he pledged to both close the prison camps and ''restore habeas corpus,'' a position that Democratic rival John Edwards has also staked out.

Hillary Clinton, likewise, has said from the U.S. Senate that she favors closure. But she has not prominently included pledges to do it in her campaign speeches.

Republican candidate Mitt Romney, in contrast, has advocated doubling the detention center -- which today holds about 275 foreign men as enemy combatants and cell space for more than 1,500.

UPDATE: Here is a blog "Habeas Lawyers for Obama" with the complete list of names.


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