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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Abortion Business Admits: Birth Control Doesn't Always Work

We're always told (by Planned Parenthood-types, anyway) that the best way to reduce abortions is through sex education and access to contraceptives, right?

If you believe that, or if you've even heard it, you might find this story from LifeNews interesting.

A British-based abortion business that operates abortion centers internationally admitted on Tuesday that women in Australia are getting pregnant and having abortions despite the use of birth control.
Say it isn't so! Birth control has been billed as the El Dorado of sexual freedom, especially the oral contraceptive. The advent of the pill in the 1960s was supposed to set women free from the slavery of pregnancy and motherhood. And now we find out...not really?

The article elaborates:
Some 43 percent were on oral contraceptives when the pregnancy occurred and another 27 percent reportedly used a condom at the time.

The article points out that Scotland reported 13,081 abortions in 2006, up from 12,603 in 2005. This happened despite an aggressive campaign in the UK to promote contraception and get the morning-after pill out to women.

According to the article, Dr. Joseph Stanford, associate professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, says he and his colleagues have done a more accurate analysis on the morning after pill than the manufacturer, and found an "optimistic" success rate of 72%. He said studies from others in the U.S., Europe and China are reaching similar conclusions.

So why would organizations like Planned Parenthood push sex ed and condoms so much, if even oral contraceptives can frequently fail?

Well, consider that in 2005-2006 reporting period, Planned Parenthood made $902.8 million and performed 264,943 abortions (don't forget that $305.3 million of those dollars came from your taxpayer dollars).

Consider also that in 2005 Consumer Reports did a study of condom effectiveness, examining 23 brands. Which were among the worst? Planned Parenthood brands such as "Lollipop," "Assorted Colors," and "Honeydew."

Planned Parenthood is supposed to be the premier organization for birth control; after all, it's very name implies it. So why would they be handing out some of the most defective condoms?

Well, if the condom fails, they can always hook you up with an abortion, right? I know of no document which proves such a connection, but mama didn't raise a dummy, either.

This is why pro-abortion folks will fight to keep abortion legal with their last breath. They know that even the best contraceptive fails sometimes, and despite all the lofty talk about rape options, health exceptions, and "the right to choose," they must keep this final option for abortion-as-birth-control when all other measures fail.

The only way to ensure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex (i.e. abstinence). It's also the only way to ensure you don't get a sexually transmitted disease.

One man and one woman for life is God's design for human sexuality. God gave us rules not to spoil our fun, but to keep us safe. For proper care and maintenance of the human model, always refer to the manufacturer's instructions.


PP said...

Birth Control doesn't always work?

No kidding. Good think I love the little monkeys.

- PP at the SDWC (Father of seven)

Bob Ellis said...

I know for a fact it doesn't always work, too. :-)

You can love the little surprises just the same.

Anonymous said...

When it fails, it is usually because people are treating it minimally - such as relying only on one method, or not using it perfectly. If we really wanted to prevent abortions, we would teach responsible use of redundant methods. You never hear about a woman on the pill being impregnated by a vacectomized guy.

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