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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, October 11, 2007

Unhealthy Pro-Abortion Campaign Continues

The Rapid City Journal provides coverage today of the South Dakota Campaign for (Un)Healthy Families petition drive to curtail abortion legislation.

The South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families is taking petitions door to door in several cities to show lawmakers that people are fed up with the fight over abortion.

The group hopes that many people will sign the petitions or contact their legislators and urge them not to revisit the issue in the 2008 lawmaking session.

Petitions were circulated Thursday in Sioux Falls, and the effort was scheduled to continue Friday in Rapid City. More than 4,000 homes in several towns were targeted last week. The group plans to conduct similar canvassing in about 10 more towns over the next two months.

I'm not sure why this group thinks dead babies, breast cancer, infertility, depression, substance abuse, and a host of other results of abortion are "healthy."

They don't need to stop by my house. No one here is in favor of killing unborn children, or allowing others to do it, either.


Christina Dunigan said...

Why an organization that exists primarily to prevent people from ever having families passes itself off as being for "healthy families" boggles the mind. Orwell is vindicated.

Dakota Voice
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