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Friday, October 12, 2007

Jewish Editor Backs Coulter

David Horowitz, a Jew and a former liberal, has a take similar to mine on the phony controversy over Ann Coulter's recent remarks.

From WorldNetDaily:

David Horowitz, editor of Front Page Magazine, says in his blog today he's received "a surprising number of e-mails from friends basically asking 'What are you going to do about Coulter?'"

"My response is this," Horowitz writes, "What else would a Christian hope for? That's the message of the New Testament: Jesus came to fulfill, complete, perfect the Law. If you're a Christian, that's what you believe."

The controversy began when Media Matters, a pro-Democrat lobby headed by David Brock, noted Coulter's appearance on CNBC's "The Big Idea" with host Donny Deutsch. Presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton recently claimed credit for helping to launch Media Matters.

So is this Jewish man a genocidal Jew-hater as the Left claims of Coulter?

I guess you have to give Media Matters an A for effort, if not accuracy. They're getting pretty regular with these phony attacks which seek to discredit any conservative who doesn't have a noodle-spine. Sadly for them, their claims don't hold any water when you look at them intelligently. But for those who don't stop to examine facts, or don't want to know the facts, these drive-by tactics can prove effective in the public square.

Horowitz continues:
"If you don't accompany this belief by burning Jews who refuse to become perfected at the stake why would any Jew have a problem?" he writes. "Why do some Jews think that Christians should not really believe what they believe while it's okay for Jews to really believe they are God's Chosen People? I don't get it. Whatever happened to the pluralism of ideas?"

See, this kind of overreaching the Left has been up to lately really shows their hand. For years, they've claimed the title of Apostles of Tolerance, when in reality, the only tolerance they want is for their viewpoint. When it comes to a Christian or otherwise traditional view, their attitude is, "Not only is your view wrong, it should be erased from public view." It's only a matter of time before the general public realizes the depths of their hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, truth, facts and accuracy takes it on the chin. Hard.


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