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Friday, October 12, 2007

Nobel: The Politically Correct Prize

From CNS News:

Just as the buzz predicted, the winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize is former Vice President of the United States Al Gore for spreading the word on global warming.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced on Friday that Gore would share the prize with the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which also blames human activity for warming the planet.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said in awarding this year's peace prize, it wanted to highlight the importance of battling climate change.

As if we didn't already know, we have one more example to throw on the pile which proves the Nobel prize is not necessarily for achievement, but simply a way for liberals to but a seal of "respectability" (or so they hope) on their pet efforts and causes. With dictators and tyrants (and don't forget the bumbling tyranny-enabler Jimmy Carter), Gore is in good company as a recipient of a Nobel award.

The only ones fooled by this are the ones trying to fool others, however:
Critics of Al Gore believe that the former vice president should not receive a Nobel Prize for his efforts regarding global warming - including his film "An Inconvenient Truth" - but should perhaps get an award for his efforts as a climate change propagandist.

"The real 'inconvenient truth' is that Gore seems to have intentionally omitted it from his movie," Steve Milloy, publisher of, charged in a news release on Thursday. Instead, the film presented "false facts" and major inaccuracies that fit the Democrat's personal agenda, he said.

Milloy pointed to a ruling last week in a British court that "An Inconvenient Truth" contains at least nine material falsehoods and can be shown to students only if it is identified as containing "partisan political views" that promote only one side of the global warming argument.


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