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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Jewish Radio Host Defends Coulter

Dennis Prager is a radio talk show host and a syndicated columnist. He is also Jewish. Below is an excerpt paraphrasing comments Prager had about the Ann Coulter controversy on his show yesterday.

From the Modern Conservative:

He stated that there was nothing anti-Semitic about wishing that Jews would become Christians. We all wish that people would come around to our points of view on most everything. This is human nature. We all hold our beliefs and values to be ideal and want others to agree and validate our positions. Dennis pointed out that much of the secular Left wants everyone to abandon religion and become part of the secular Left and that no one in the media or on the Left seems to have a problem with this. The secular Left even goes to the level of demeaning and deriding religious people as intellectually inferior and less worldly. Prager mentioned as another example that, although Jews don't proselytize, most Jews want everyone to be ethical monotheists or adhere to a belief in one G-d under a common set of ethical precepts. Basically, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with feeling your views are superior and wanting other people to believe as you do as long as you aren't using violence or being coercive in some way. (Exactly what the Islamists are trying to do).

Also, Prager pointedly remarked that the Left is focusing on this as a 'virulently anti-Semitic' remark while it ignores real anti-Semitism a la Carter, Mearsheimer and Walt, Ahmadinejad, etc. and how dangerous this is for Jews. To focus on an innocuous comment, which is essentially a wish, at the current level of hysteria, minimizes and obfuscates genuine expressions of Jew hatred.

I concur.

HT to Free Republic.


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