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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, October 11, 2007

First Amendment Assault at Capitol Stopped

Who says complaining does no good and Christians should just keep silent as our religious freedoms and Christian heritage erodes away?

From The Hill:

Turner objected to the AoC’s decision to eliminate the word “God” from a certificate mailed to one of his constituents, a 17-year-old who wished to honor his grandfather. The requested text was, “This flag was flown in honor of Marcel Larochelle, my grandfather, for his dedication and love of God, Country and family.” The end of the message on the certificate returned with the flag instead read, “for his dedication and love of Country and family.”

The AoC said it was enforcing a rule, established in 2003, that said “religious expressions are not permitted on flag certificates.”

But that's changing now because some good people spoke up against this outrage against the First Amendment.

The Architect of the Capitol’s (AoC) office is reversing its policy on the use of religious language on flag certificates, according to a draft document, after dozens of lawmakers condemned the practice of removing the word “God” from the certificates.

Stephen Ayers, acting Architect of the Capitol, said in a statement the new policy will be effective immediately and will be outlined in a memo sent to congressional offices.

“The Office of the Architect of the Capitol is a service organization. Flying the flags over the Capitol is an important constituent service for Members of Congress. When one of our services or policies doesn’t effectively serve Members of Congress or the American public, it needs to be changed immediately,” Ayers said in a draft statement.

The Left, and all the destructive ideological groups that comprise the Left, have no qualms about being very outspoken and very loud. That's why traditional values and respect for the Constitution have been so undermined for the past 60 years: they've been very loud and very determined...while traditional Americans sat on their hands and moped.

It's time for Christians and other traditional American to stand up and counter the erosion of our history, our heritage, our rights and our Constitution. Time is running short; if we don't take a stand now, soon it'll be too far gone to reverse.


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