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Monday, October 08, 2007

Columbus Day in the Alternate Universe

On the day when most of America celebrates Columbus Day, commemorating Christopher Columbus' discovery of the New World, here's what some on the Left are thinking about.

From SD Watch:

the fact that South Dakota changed the name of the holiday from the butcher’s/imperialist’s name to celebrate our state’s indigenous peoples is significant.

And from the Robbinsdale Radical:
This Native American Day, I'm reflecting that LGBT people have been here in Dakota Territory for a very long time, and have earned our respect and deserve dignity.

There are lots of important ways to observe Native American Day from this long-ignored viewpoint...

Why is the Left always obsessed with sex and/or loathing anything to do with America's foundations?


Tell Todd said...


You're the one in the alternative universe. It is NATIVE AMERICAN DAY not Columbus Day in South Dakota. You might want to update your calendar from the 15th to the 21st Century.


Bob Ellis said...

I realize it's "Native American Day" in South Dakota. Meanwhile, the rest of the country celebrates "Columbus Day," commemorating the discovery of this continent by Christopher Columbus.

Most of us recognize that while Columbus wasn't a perfect man and made mistakes, his was a historic achievement, one that brought innovation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this continent.

It is in the alternate universe of liberalism that everything associated with Western culture and Christianity is evil and oppressive. That, and everything is somehow connected to sexuality, as I also mentioned.

Some of us can appreciate historical events without feeling guilty about it or applying homosexual overtones to everything.

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