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Monday, October 08, 2007

Selective Media Coverage of Homosexuals

Kelly Boggs at the Baptist Press brings up an interesting examination of the recent homosexual-fest, the Folsom Street Fair.

It would seem the mere fact that 400,000 people gathered in one place would be news, regardless of the reason they came together. The big three television networks didn't seem to think so since they also were missing in action.

If it were not for a few niche and alternative news publications, no one outside of San Francisco would have an inkling of what took place at the Folsom Street Fair. So what is the event and what exactly takes place? Be forewarned, the following descriptions are not for the faint of heart, even though they have been edited to mute the content.

The Folsom Street Fair is one of San Francisco's premier celebrations of alternate lifestyle -- specifically "leather pride." The "leather community" is a euphemism for those that indulge in sadomasochism, also known as S&M. These are individuals that enjoy bondage, whipping, spanking and other unmentionable perversions.

While the Folsom Street Fair does draw a few heterosexual sadomasochists to the event, it is clear from reports that the overwhelming number celebrating were homosexuals –- mostly male.

The most detailed report of the event came from Pink News, an organization that describes itself as "Europe's largest gay news service."

"American police adopted a distinctly relaxed approach to this year's Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco," Pink News observed, "taking little notice of the hundreds of men baring their genitals on every street corner."

According to Pink News, there were orgies in the street, drawing "laughs and photographs from curious onlookers but no police action." Homosexual men and women walked down the street, completely naked, performing sex acts, the website reported. (Keep in mind the website provided far more detailed descriptions.)

Why, you might ask, would the media take a pass on this huge homosexual event? After all, the "mainstream" media is usually there will bells on to provide positive coverage of homosexuals and their agenda, any time they can. Maybe the answer can be found in the strategy outlined by homosexual activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen about 20 years ago in their book "After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s."

For instance, from page 183 under Principle 5 (of "The Strategy of 'Waging Peace': Eight Practical Principles for the Persuasion of Straights") entitled "Portray gays as victims of circumstance and oppression, not as aggressive challengers":
In practical terms, this means that cocky mustachioed leather-men, drag queens, and bull dykes would not appear in gay commercials and other public presentations. Conventional young people, middle-age women, and older folks of all races would be featured, not to mention the parents and straight friends of gays.

The really offensive types must be kept out of the public view, as well as the criminally indictable mentioned on page 184:
It cannot go without saying, incidentally, that groups on the farthest margins of acceptability, such as NAMBLA [North American Man-Boy Love Association], must play no part at all in such a campaign. Suspected child molesters will never look like victims.

How does this media campaign play out? That is outlined, in part, on page 170:
Indeed, the wide range of favorably sanitized images that might be shown in the media could eventually have a more positive impact on the homosexual stereotype than could exposure to gay friends, since straights will otherwise generalize a suboptimal impression of gays from the idiosyncratic admixture of good and bad traits possessed by their one or two gay acquaintances. (One of the special advantages of a media campaign is that it can—and should—portray only the most favorable side of gays, thereby counterbalancing the already unfairly negative stereotype in the public’s mind. When this is done, the picture labeled queer is aggressively painted over; prior images of dirty old queens or coarsened dykes are overlaid with pleasing new images of all-American and Miss American types.)

As you see, the Folsom Street Fair was "overlooked" by the "mainstream" media because it was too transparent about homosexual behavior. It wasn't glossed over, cleaned up and polished enough.

How does it feel to be played like a fiddle, America?


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