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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, August 19, 2007

Taxpayer Twinkie Subsidies

I see Anna at DakotaWomen isn't thrilled with today's poverty potty break at the South Dakota Potty Break.

JAR at SDPB had written about his displeasure (as a taxpayer if nothing else, presumably) at seeing people on taxpayer-funded food stamps buying a bunch of junk food.

Anna responded:

I mean, I disapprove of yuppies in SUV's using three parking spots and going into Hy-Vee to buy a seven dollar cup of Starbucks coffee and crates of bottled water that just come from a tap anyway, but I manage somehow not to post my contempt for them on the internet.

I'm not thrilled with yuppies in SUVs buying $7.00 cups of Starbucks coffee either. However, there's one key difference between the aforementioned activities of the ungrateful food stamp recipient and the spoiled yuppie:

the taxpayer isn't having his wallet lightened by the government to pay for the yuppie's behavior, but the taxpayer is being legally plundered to subsidize the surly, unproductive Twinkie purchaser.


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