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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bad News for Global Warming and Biofuel

Brit Hume's Political Grapevine brings bad news for disciples of global warming: more peer-reviewed studies that reveal Al Gore for the alarmist he is:

The Belgian Weather Institute concludes that carbon dioxide does not have a decisive role in global warming.

A study by two Chinese scientists says CO2's role in warming is "vastly exaggerated."

And new research by University of Washington mathematicians shows a correlation between high solar activity and periods of warming.

There's also bad news for the ethanol/biofuel movement. Seems creating biofuels would create more greenhouse gasses than fossil fuels--and would take 40% of the United States' ag land just to replace 10% of our fossil fuel usage.

Meanwhile, what is billed as the first comprehensive analysis of global biofuel impact has concluded that their use may release between two and nine times more carbon gases than fossil fuels.

The study published in the journal Science says the clearing of forest land to grow biofuel crops will produce immediate carbon gas releases and also destroy habitats, wildlife and jobs. It says that while biofuels look good from a Western perspective, they will be harmful on a global scale. The study contends it will take about 40 percent of American and European agricultural land to grow enough biofuel crops to replace only 10 percent of fossil fuel use.


Anonymous said...

I see stories like this at least 2 or 3 times per week. Yet, the MSM and the liberal establishment seem unperturbed and just keep repeating that the science is settled and that those who don't buy into the fear-mongering are in the pockets of "big oil" or are just unsophisticated boobs.

We all know that the CO2 scare is a scam perpetrated by those who stand to gain financially or politically.

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