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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

'Seeing South Dakota' column has had a lot of stuff in it over the years

By Gordon Garnos

AT ISSUE: The letter started, "Dear Mr. Garnos, I have been reading your column for quite a while in my hometown newspaper and have never understood where the title comes from. You seldom write much about actually seeing South Dakota. I'm always expecting you to write about some places in the state that would be interesting to visit..." It was back in '02 when the column was started. It was right after I retired after nearly 40 years with the Watertown Public Opinion. A weekly newspaper publisher, a good friend, asked me to write a column on South Dakota issues. In other words, "take a good, hard look at our state," and, thus the title, "Seeing South Dakota." The column is now in several weekly papers across the state. By the way, the letter was from California. (Full Article)


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