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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kyoto Destroying Ozone Layer

Doesn't this sound like the typical UN project? According to Reuters, some countries are deliberately hiking their output of greenhouse gasses so they can make money on the carbon credits in that little scheme.

In addition, evidence suggests that the same projects, in developing countries, have deliberately raised their emissions of greenhouse gases only to destroy these and therefore claim more carbon credits, said Stanford University's Michael Wara.

Kyoto is meant to curb emissions of the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, but is undermining a separate pact called the Montreal Protocol, meant to phase out gases which harm the earth's ozone layer.

At the heart of the clash is a carbon trading scheme under Kyoto, worth $5 billion last year, whereby rich countries pay poorer ones to cut greenhouse gas emissions on their behalf, called the clean development mechanism (CDM).

HT to Free Republic.


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