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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Interview with Senate Candidate Sam Kephart

My column in the Rapid City Journal today is on Sam Kephart, the Spearfish businessman who is running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Tim Johnson.

I interviewed Kephart over lunch a few weeks back, but because several column topics arose that I didn't think had as long of a "shelf life" as Kephart's comments, I ended up running those first. I hope Sam hadn't given up on me running this piece.

What does Kephart think of Johnson? Though I'm sure in someone's definition it's an "attack," here's what Kephart had to say:

While he says Johnson is a “nice guy,” Kephart believes Johnson is a “status quo” politician who isn’t willing to display the assertive leadership necessary to fix our most pressing problems.

“We’re at a time when we need someone a little more ‘Janklow-esque’ and a little less ‘hail fellow well met,’” Kephart told me.

Sam is a little "moderate" for my political preferences, but I found him to be a very likable guy. If I had to characterize his personality with one word, it would be "positive." He's a very upbeat, optimistic, hopeful man with an infectious good nature.

He's not nearly as conservative as I'd like on things like abortion, but he is very much in favor of a strong, no-nonsense defense of our country.

You can read today's issues-oriented column here, and hopefully as I have time, I'll share more details of the interview that I didn't have room for in the column in future postings.


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