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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How to Reduce Divorce Rates by Half and Save Billions

Aug. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a speech at 'Family Preservation Day' at the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 19, Marriage Savers President Mike McManus, charged, 'Presidential candidates say they support `Family Values.' Why not ask them, `Do you support reforms that could slash America's divorce rate in half? None would cost the Federal Government a penny. In fact they could cut the federal deficit by $40 billion. Here are three steps to cut the divorce rate that a new President could take: (Full Article)


Emma said...

"Children of divorce are three times as likely as those from intact homes to be expelled from school or to get pregnant, five times as apt to live in poverty or to commit suicide, 12 times as apt to be jailed."

- Wow. Care to cite any sources for these rather outragous statistics? I'm doing a study on affects of divorce on children and I must say, none of the 50-or-so peer-reviewed academic papers I've read are nearly as exciting!

Make sure the soil you're using to cultivate your argument isn't just bullsh*t, please - cite!

Bob Ellis said...

Here is one study on the affects of broken family structure on children:
While it doesn't quantify whether these children are in homes where there was never a marriage, or whether there was a divorce, it shows nearly twice as likely in one parent homes versus two parent homes. When you consider the anger issues often acted out by children of divorce, three times the likelihood doesn't seem unreasonable.

The FRC also has some referenced statistics on the adverse affects of divorce on children:

"Helping the Struggling Adolescent" by Dr. Les Parrott III cites a study by Karl Zinsmeister entitled "Divorce's Toll on Children" which says children of divorce are five times more likely to be expelled or suspended.'s+toll+on+children%22&source=web&ots=ZqIhCLnh0b&sig=qZaxTCEYZ3B5tncepiNJOEA_Bs0#PPP1,M1

Another study entitled "Families in Canada" by Lyle Larson cites the 5x figure:

Dig a little deeper and you'll find that divorce is devastating not only to the adults involved, but especially to the children. It's no walk in the park.

Anonymous said...

But divorce is good in the sense that people enjoy marriage more then. Please look at both sides.

Bob Ellis said...

Sure, just like getting shot makes you appreciate all the times when you weren't shot.

(now I KNOW you're pulling my leg, bassfrek1987)

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