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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Problems the Surge Hasn't Solved

Since positive news out of Iraq has stunned Democrats, they're busy trying to find new reasons to pooh-pooh our military effort and prophesy defeat.

From the Washington Post:

Democratic leaders in Congress had planned to use August recess to raise the heat on Republicans to break with President Bush on the Iraq war. Instead, Democrats have been forced to recalibrate their own message in the face of recent positive signs on the security front, increasingly focusing their criticisms on what those military gains have not achieved: reconciliation among Iraq's diverse political factions.

You know, maybe we could encourage our enemies by also pointing out that the surge hasn't reduced global warming or the number of uninsured in America, either. It also hasn't improved my gas mileage, or solved that soap scum problem I have in the shower, or cured my nasal congestion, or made it easier to clean my windows without the glass streaking, or convinced my wife to agree with me more, or made the sky bluer, or made the grass greener, or removed those scuffs from my shoes, or...


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