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Friday, February 16, 2007

US Doing Better Than Kyoto Kooks

This just in from CNS News:

The 1997 Kyoto treaty requires signatory nations to set limits on the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other 'greenhouse gases' blamed for climate change, by an average of five percent by 2012.

The 15 European nations participating at the time - the so-called E.U.-15 - made a commitment to collectively reduce their emissions to the point where they would be eight percent lower than 1990 levels.

Since the treaty went into effect, however, Europe's CO2 emissions have increased quite substantially - and at a rate three times faster than America's - Horner said. At the same time, Kyoto-related regulations have led to higher energy costs for E.U.-15 citizens.

Uh huh.


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