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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Congressman Hides Behind Cop

What a pansy. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) didn't like Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) smoking in his own office. Rather than do what most people might do ("Excuse me, Rep. Tancredo, but your smoke is bothering me."), he calls the cops.

Soon enough, however, a police officer walked in to check on the smoke. The officer told Tancredo that the officer came because he was required to do so and not because the officer wanted to. The officer had already told Ellison that Tancredo was permitted to smoke in his office. The visit was more a formality - The Hill.

The article goes on to say Tancredo uses three air air purifiers in his office in consideration of others. Yet Ellison claims the smoke somehow came "through the walls."

I wonder what Ellison would have done if Tancredo had experienced a particularly offensive, um, "outgassing?"


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