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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A State Interest in Promoting Homosexuality

Parents who send your kids to public schools, you should take note of this statement because this philosophy isn't just confined to Massachusetts. You'll find it all across the country, and even here in South Dakota.

From WorldNetDaily:

'Once I have elected to send my child to public school, my fundamental right does not allow me to direct what my child is exposed to in the public school,' said the school's lawyer.

This story and case was prompted by a father's objection to the school teaching his elementary school age son about homosexuality and transgenderism.

The article further states

An ACLU lawyer, however, told the judge that "it is a tremendous bonus" for children to be given information of which their parents wouldn't approve, and that teaching children homosexuality when their parents' Biblical beliefs do not support that has nothing to do with a violation of religious freedom

My wife and I have a lot of reasons for homeschooling, and garbage like this is just one of them.


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