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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Billboard Questioning Homosexuality Rejected

From CNS News:

A national communications company refused to display a conservative Christian group's potentially controversial advertisements promoting a conference on sexuality over the weekend.

Focus on the Family expressed disappointment at Clear Channel Outdoor's decision to block ads for its international Love Won Out conference in Phoenix, Ariz.

The billboard ad was drafted to read, 'I questioned homosexuality: Change is Possible, Discover How.'

Homosexuality hurts the one practicing it and it hurts others who fall into that sphere, not to mention the loved ones of the homosexual who see them living such a destructive lifestyle.

But if I was, say, an alcoholic and a drunk driver, if I could just force people to stop condemning me for it, if I could just keep people from from saying it's a bad thing, if I could just get people to accept the notion that alcoholics can't change, then I could drink and drive in peace and feel good about myself.


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