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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Marriage Requires Consummation

This is an, um, interesting story from the Taipei Times about a man who was granted a divorce from his wife of one year because she refused to consummate their marriage:

A Tainan court has granted a man's request for divorce because his wife was 'too shy' to consummate their marriage, a newspaper said yesterday.

I'm not normally an advocate of divorce, and would say that it would have been better if this marriage could have been saved. But just as the law recognizes, there was no valid marriage because it had not been consummated.

Incidentally, this is also another reason why the idea of two men or two women getting together and calling it "marriage" just doesn't cut the mustard.

Yes, two men or two women can engage in sexual activity together, but they cannot consummate a marriage because they are not bringing complimentary sex organs into concert with one another.

Sorry to be so graphic, but that's just what it comes down to. If you don't bring a penis and a vagina to the ballpark, then you don't have a game.

And you don't have what it takes to constitute a marriage.


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