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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Contraception Not Stopping Abortion cites a British report that shows the pro-abortion cry for contraception blah blah is hollow and useless:

A new British report finds that abortions are occurring there despite the general availability of contraception. Abortion advocates frequently cite making contraception and birth control more available as the best answer for reducing abortions, but the study shows that's not happening.

The report, sponsored by the contraception maker Schering Health Care finds that women in their late 20s and 30s are having abortions at the same rate as teenagers.
That's surprising to birth control backers because older women are thought to be better able to afford contraception and understand how to use it.

However, almost half of the women who got pregnant in the study reported they were not using any form of contraception at the time of their pregnancy or had forgotten to take their birth control pills on a regular basis.

In short, socialized medicine under the National Health Service in the UK isn't stopping abortions. Abortion is being used as birth control.

The ones claiming that if only we taught kids more about sex and gave them free contraception, that would stop abortions...they're full of baloney, and this proves it.

We already dispense free condoms at many schools across the country. We already tell kids about sex (they get tons of exposure to sex from TV, music, and other kids, not to mention what they're officially taught in school) to the point that you'd have to be pretty stupid not to know what happens when you put Part A with Part B.

The call for greater contraception and sex ed is just an attempt to further sexualize our kids and ensure Planned Parenthood has a never-ending market for their abortion services.


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