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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose 96% of Abortions

From LifeNews:

Washington, DC ( -- Time magazine has released the results of a new abortion poll that finds a majority of Americans want virtually all abortions made illegal. The poll specifically finds about 55 percent of the public is opposed abortions in 96 percent of the cases in which women have them.

Time contracted the polling firm SRBI Public Affairs to conduct a telephone survey of 1,503 registered American voters last month. The firm polled Americans from November 12 to 19 and its survey had a three percent margin of error.

This should bode well for the new petition for a law which would outlaw most abortions in South Dakota.

Like the rest of the nation, approximately 3.8% of the abortions done in 2005 in South Dakota were for rape, incest or health concerns. Also, during last year's election, an overwhelming majority (about 75%, I believe) of South Dakotans said they would vote for an abortion ban that had exceptions for rape/incest and the mother's health.

Well, the measure coming up next year has these exceptions. They are structured so as to prevent abuse, making it difficult to create a loophole where none was intended.

Since we tried and failed to get the best, most logically consistent law last year, and since this law would stop more than 96% of the convenience abortions in South Dakota, I would think most pro-life folks could support it (I know I do).

And since the chief objection from pro-abortion folks last year was "no rape/incest exceptions," and since South Dakotans said in overwhelming numbers last year that they would vote for a law with these exceptions, it looks like we'll finally get a good law on the books next year to save 96% of the children being aborted in South Dakota.

Look for a petition to sign in favor of the ban coming soon to your area of South Dakota!


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