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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Gilchrist Has Second Thoughts About Huckabee's Unrealistic Immigration Plan

Now border control activist Jim Gilchrist is reconsidering his endorsement of Mike Huckabee.

From WorldNetDaily:

Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist says he will have to reconsider his endorsement of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee after learning the Republican presidential candidate favors allowing illegal aliens to wait only days to receive documents allowing re-entry into the U.S.

Gilchrist's ill-advised endorsement of Huckabee aside, this aspect of Huckabee's plan is unrealistic, to begin with.

The majority of Mexicans who came across our border illegally are working for peanuts. Both sides of the argument admit Mexicans who are here illegally are working for sub-industry wages. Yet we expect them to have the financial resources to pack up their homes and families and move back to Mexico--only to move back again in days or weeks? Man, I don't have enough legs to pull for that one!

If Huckabee wants to feel good about himself, he can include such a provision in his plan. But realistically, we must be prepared (as we already should be) to locate, arrest and deport massive numbers of illegal aliens. And then put them at the BACK of the line of people legally applying for entry into the United States--if we allow them to come back in at all.

Civilizations have been turning back invasions for millennia. With the incredible technology we have at our disposal, and the wealth of the United States, it is not impossible to round up and deport most illegals, and to get control of our borders.

All we lack is the will to do it.


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