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Monday, December 17, 2007

Barbara Walters Criticizes Christian Christmas Cards

From the Christian Post:

“Usually in the past when I have received a Christmas card, it's been 'Happy Holidays' and so on,” said Walters.

But the veteran anchor expressed dismay that President Bush and the First Lady would send out a “religious Christmas card” with a direct Bible verse from the Old Testament printed inside:

“You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.”

After reading the scriptural message of the card, Walters asked in a critical tone, "Does this also go to agnostics, and atheists, and Muslims?"

I don't know--do agnostics, atheists and Muslims celebrate Christmas?

If I lived in a country that was founded on Muslim principles, where most of the people who lived there described themselves as Muslims, and I received an Islamic greeting card from someone--even their president--during Ramadan, gee, I don't think I'd find that odd at all.

It's not like this Christmas card in any way constitutes a "law respecting an establishment of religion." The card isn't even paid for by the government, but the Republican National Committee.

Imagine level of ignorance it takes to get bent out of shape that a Christmas card might contain something Christian on it. Don't they at least require that you've been to skooel to be a TV show hostess?


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

People are just "too" touchy anymore, I think!

I once wished a woman in England a "Happy 4th of July"! She thought it was hilarious that I did and felt that it gave her something to tease me about for some time to come. She knew I meant no offense!

We need more people with that attitude in this world!

Bob Ellis said...

I recall one Independence Day when I was in England, many British friends helped us (a bit ironically, I thought) celebrate our independence from their country. They helped us put on an Independence Day celebration on the base where I was stationed, and even had a cowboy with a British accent, shooting cap guns (I think they were a little mixed up on their history, but they meant well).

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Cowboys & Indians in comparison to Pilgrams & Indians (at the Thanksgiving celebration) & there were Indians involved in the revolution, too! There are holidays involving the last two for sure... but then again... cowboys' guns did make popping sounds. Well... I don't know... I think I would give them an A+ even if the history didn't quite match up! Like you said, in that case, what counted is that they meant well!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, "get over it." Oh, but wait ... appreciating the fact that someone thought enough of you to bother SENDING a card at all wouldn't open up any doors to FREE publicity, now would it! Christmas IS a Christian holiday. I certainly wouldn't expect a Muslim to send a Hannukah card?

Another "humdinger" from Barbara Wa-Wa.

Anonymous said...

Does Ms. Walters not know that Muslims claim the Old Testament as scripture? It would be very hypocritical for a Muslim to be offended by the verse quoted.

While visiting my daughter who was attending university in Germany we celebrated July Fourth at one of her German friends home. It was a backyard party with American flags, fireworks, a cookout, watermelon and ice cream. Our German and Czech friends thought it was great! I once had an English friend with whom I'd share a pint or two on Guy Faulks Day.

American liberals are so uptight! They need to learn to be a little more tolerant of those who are different from them, wouldn't you say?

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