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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Most Mexicans Enter U.S. Illegally

From Fox News:

The Mexican government reported the results of recent studies on Tuesday showing that 68 percent of Mexicans who migrate or try to migrate to the United States do so without documents and 55 percent of them hire immigrant smugglers.

The report, timed to coincide with the U.N. International Migrants Day, also noted that the Mexican-born population living in the United States increased from about 800,000 in 1970 to more than 11 million in 2006.

The majority of Mexicans now living in the United States — 6.2 million — are undocumented, according to the report, which was based on surveys of migrants and information from the government's National Population Council.

Several sources list the illegal alien population in the U.S. at about 12 million.

While that figure is probably low (how do you accurately count people who aren't here legally in the first place?), I think it's a stretch than only half of them are from Mexico, given that this is the easiest way for illegals to get into the country, and the Hispanic population is exploding in America.

Either way, that's an incredible amount of people here illegally, and how many of them are members of terrorist cells, working on the next 911?

We need a president and congress who will deal with this--now!


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

Some feel we should be sympathetic because this is a "plight of the people". I might consider such to be a plight to sympathize over, if any can show me such concern for the "plight of the legal citizens" in this country. Where is the sympathy when legal citizens are being squeezed out of services, schools and so forth by the illegal ones? Where is the sympathy, when legal citizens are having difficulty finding good jobs at a fair wage because so much is being shipped out of the country for foreign workers to earn a living from instead? When the plight of our citizens is seriously considered and efforts are made to help them -- then, and only then -- will I take the plight of the illegals to heart! Until then... my first worry and sympathy is with the forgotten ones within our own borders.

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