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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, December 21, 2007

Open Letter to Tom Tancredo Supporters

SK Johnson from The Duncan Hunter Grass-Revolt blog has printed an open letter to supporters of Tom Tancredo. Here is an excerpt:

Today is a sad day for conservatism. Another candidate has dropped out of the GOP race, one of the few candidates that can actually be considered conservative. Right now, the media is shoving several moderate candidates down our throats, and forcing the actually conservative candidates to the bottom of the race. Tom Tancredo was one such candidate.

Not only was Tom Tancredo one of the few conservatives in the race, he was one of the few that could be trusted when it comes to the issue of border security; and he is an expert on it too. Now that he has left the race, where are those of us to turn that support actually securing our borders?

Except for Ron Paul (whose record on immigration isn't 100%, and whose Iraq policy ideas are downright scary), there is no presidential candidate with a solid record on immigration and border control. Fred Thompson's is fair, and better than most, but can't touch Duncan Hunter's consistent record.

National security, American jobs and the rule of law are all too important to entrust to pretenders or those who don't really take this issue seriously.


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