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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Winds Shifting in Climate Debate

Meteorologist Chris Orr's weekly weather column in the Rapid City Journal today points out that the climate data used to fuel Al Gore's new global warming religion is pretty weak:

Stephen MacIntyre went through the official government database of climate records and discovered that 1998 was not the hottest year on record for the United States. The hottest year was actually 1934.

Not only that, but MacIntyre discovered that five of the 11 warmest years on record occurred before 1940.

Granted, much of the reordering of the hottest years occurred thanks to an increase in the significant digits used, but apparently going to the hundredth’s place did manage to change the statistics used most by the media, scientists and politicians.

For example, only one of the hottest 11 years has occurred this century. The years 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2004 are now recalculated to be cooler than the year 1900.

Orr acknowledges this data may do little to dissuade the true believers, but he does call on the "mainstream" media to give this data--and the recalculation--the attention it deserves.


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