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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

President Bush 'Does Tears'

Yahoo News has a story on George W. Bush, the man behind the mantle of the presidency.

The article takes a look at Robert Draper's book "Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush," which went on sale Tuesday.

One passage reveals the difference between his public persona and his private turmoils.

President Bush told the author of a new book on his presidency that "I try not to wear my worries on my sleeve" or show anything less than steadfastness in public, especially in a time of war.

"I fully understand that the enemy watches me, the Iraqis are watching me, the troops watch me, and the people watch me," he said. Yet, he said, "I do tears."

"I've got God's shoulder to cry on. And I cry a lot. I do a lot of crying in this job. I'll bet I've shed more tears than you can count, as president. I'll shed some tomorrow."

This is one thing that liberals, to the detriment of our nation, either don't understand or don't want to accept: a president must lead, he must show strength, he must show certainty, he must be decisive.

A good leader doesn't have the luxury of wearing his heart on his sleeve, and a good leader doesn't vacillate in public. These appearances of indecisiveness and weakness undermine respect for our country, and ultimately cost American lives when our enemies try to exploit that weakness.

I disagree with President Bush in several areas and in several things he has done/supported. But I have never doubted his sincerity, even in the areas where I've disagreed with him.

President Bush isn't perfect, but thank God that he understands his need to portray strength. And I hope he knows how many Americans are praying for him each day.


Douglas said...

Of course, he really is a compassionate conservative.

More seriously, what reason do we have to believe anything Bush ever says?

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

"More seriously, what reason do we have to believe anything Bush ever says?"

Douglas, are you sure you didn't mean to leave that remark on the article about Hillary? You know, "... what reason do we have to believe anything Hillary ever says?"

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