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Friday, September 07, 2007

Porn Purveyor LodgeNet Expanding Operations

From the Argus Leader:

LodgeNet Entertainment Corp. is planning a significant expansion to its Sioux Falls headquarters.

The Sioux Falls-based company plans to build two two-story office space additions to its building on the city’s north side, according to plans filed with the city’s building department.

The expansion to the company’s administration building will total about 40,000 square feet, according to the plans filed late Thursday.

That's good news for a South Dakota business. However, you might recall (or you might not, since the "mainstream" media isn't concerned about it) that LodgeNet is the largest distributor of pornography to hotels across the country (1.8 million rooms). Not a thing to be proud of.

It's true that you can choose whether to watch the pornographic channels or not. But then, you can choose whether to do drugs or not...but we punish the dealers much harder than the buyer--perhaps we view it negatively when someone sells something harmful to another person?

It's also true that while you can choose whether to smoke, we come down on businesses that sell tobacco to minors. Maybe we view selling something harmful negatively?

It's also true that we limit the kind of (pornographic, violent?) material that can be viewed by minors with ratings and other regulations. Maybe we see that there's something dangerous in this material that we want to protect children from? If it's dangerous for children, is it harmless for adults?

While it may be legal for LodgeNet to sell pornography to hotel guests across the country, is it a good thing to do? Is it something to be proud of?

Maybe LodgeNet would consider removing this material from the entertainment fare they offer to hotels, and we could be completely proud of a successful South Dakota business.


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