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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Congress Gives China a Free Pass...Again

From Fox News:

In just over a month, Mattel Inc., the world's largest toy maker, has announced three major recalls due to concerns about excessive lead paint in the Chinese-made toys.

Hearings in the House and the Senate are expected to examine Mattel's dealings with the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which oversees product safety and recalls, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

Lawmakers are also expected to focus on the commission's budget, enforcement practices and record in identifying toys with lead paint and other defects.

You know what's missing from this picture? I'm not aware of any talk of sanctions against China for selling us dangerous goods.

We engage in massively unbalanced trade (they make a lot more off of us than we do off of them) with an oppressive, barbaric communist regime that has shown overt hostility toward us...and we're surprised when some of the trade goods are deadly?

Yet there's no talk of sanctions or restrictions on trade with communist China; only hammering American businesses.

What's wrong with this picture?


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

"What is wrong with this picture?"

Plenty! We are setting ourselves up to be taken over without a shot being fired. We are giving away jobs that are needed here. We are at the mercy of a country that has no reason not to poison us and our pets just to show the power they have over us. Personally, I find this entire situation terrifying and in need of immediate corrective action!

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