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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Need Help Understanding Pride Festival Participants

I read an interesting letter to the editor in the Rapid City Weekly News today. It was from Michael Coats, a local homosexual activist and organizer of a recent homosexual Pride Festival.

Mr Coats routinely writes letters like this as a part of the strategy of "normalizing" homosexuality in the eyes of the public and "desensitizing" people to it, so that's nothing new. What I found interesting was some of the organizations he listed as participating in the event:

Thanks to all vendors and organizations making the event memorable: Equality South Dakota, The ACLU, PFLAG, Integrity, Matthew Shepard Foundation, GLAAD, Victory Fund, Gay Men’s Social Network, Gay RALLY, Paha Sapa Two Spirit, Living Positive in the Hills, S.D. Women’s Health Fund, Planned Parenthood and South Dakota Department of Health.

Now I'm just an old fashioned kind of guy, so can somebody explain a couple of things to me?

If homosexuality is "normal, natural and health," why was the Department of Health at a homosexual event? If the Dept of Health comes to LifeLight, Hills Alive, the Heritage Festival, the Lincoln Day Dinner or other events, I'm not aware of it. Why would this be?

Also, why would Planned Parenthood, a contraceptive organization, participate in an event for people whose sexual unions cannot under any circumstances produce children?


Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, gay women need mammograms and pap smears, too.

Bob Ellis said...

I'm sure they do, Anonymous, but even if that was the primary reason for the presence of these organizations, why such a priority on mammary and gynecological health at a festival celebrating homosexuality? I could understand it at a health fair or something. Maybe the Health Dept. and Planned Parenthood participate in Oktoberfest, Volksmarches, the Polka Fest, the Quilt Show, the rodeo and the Festival of Presidents too and I just haven't seen them.

Anonymous said...

Planned Parenthood is going to be at the Sidewalk Arts Festival in Sioux Falls, and they are at the fair each year.

It also appears that the Department of Health attends meetings for senior citizens and people with diabetes, for a start.

Bob Ellis said...

I guess that makes sense for the Dept of Health to be at meetings where people life-threatening and chronic health issues, such as senior citizens and diabetics. But what would be the connection with the Dept of Health for a homosexual festival?

I could also understand somewhat Planned Parenthood promoting its wares at an event (such as the Sidewalk Arts Festival) where members of the general public who might perceive a need of their services would notice them. But homosexual sex cannot produce "parents", so why would PP be at a homosexual event, when no one there has need of contraceptive services?

Anonymous said...

Well, gay people are traditionally an "underserved population" with regard to health care, for one thing.

For that matter, Planned Parenthood doesn't just provide contraception, and not all contraception is solely used to prevent pregnancy.

Bob Ellis said...

So homosexuals have difficulty getting proper health care? Why?

The dictionary defines contraception as "deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation." If contraception isn't used to prevent conception or impregnation, why would it be used?

Anonymous said...

Please do a google search to help you determine why gay people have trouble accessing health care.

Planned Parenthood doesn't just provide contraception. Please read.

I am sure you don't accept this as fact (so let's not even have the debate) but Planned Parenthood would say that condoms, for example, prevent the spread of STD's. Women, regardless of their sexual orientation, also take birth control to help regulate troublesome menstrual periods.

Bob Ellis said...

What keywords should I use for such a Google search?

Are you saying there's an increased risk of STDs in the homosexual community? Is there really a high enough percentage of women in the homosexual community that treat menstrual problems with contraception?

Anonymous said...

You're obviously pretty smart, I think you can figure out the logistics of the google search.

And no, my contention is not that gay people contract STD's at higher rates than straight people - obviously, Planned Parenthood provides the same information/education to heterosexuals who seek their services. And I would guess that the overwhelming majority of their clientele is straight.

I don't get this. You seek to imply that there is something wrong with the gay community due to the fact that Planned Parenthood and the Department of Health helped or showed up at the pride fest. It has been clearly demonstrated to you that both the Department of Health and Planned Parenthood regularly appear at community events for various groups of people throughout the state.

I get the point that you're trying to make, but you're going to need to provide other evidence to prove it than what you've shown in this post.

Bob Ellis said...

I think I can understand the Department of Health connection; after all, there are a lot of extreme

health risks
associated with homosexual behavior, so presumably the Dept. of Health would be there attempting to discourage these dangerous practices. Is that why they were there?

But it’s the Planned Parenthood connection that still perplexes me somewhat. I mean, look at the name of the organization: it has “Parenthood” right in the name. It also has the world “Planned” in the name. Homosexual sex cannot by its very nature result in parenthood, so the contention that Planned Parenthood might offer its services with regard to the organization’s name seems to be a non sequiter.

Is it the condom distribution that Planned Parenthood provides, in the hope that using the condoms during homosexual sex will prevent the contraction of AIDS and other STDs?

Angie said...

In states across the country, the choice community and the LGBT community work together on a variety of issues, and are frequently members of the same coalitions. Generally, pro-choice people are supportive of LGBT rights, and LGBT people are overwhelmingly pro-choice. Having Planned Parenthood at an LGBT event isn't unheard of.

As for the SD Department of Health, if they were to participate at an event at an elementary school, would that imply that it's a substantial health risk to be a grade school student?

Bob Ellis said...

Thanks, Ang. I suppose there might be some reason for the Dept of Health to be at an elementary school, since children of that age get so many immunizations, etc, but I don't know if that's normal practice. Does the Dept of Health attend many elementary school events?

I don't doubt what you're saying about the cross-support between pro-abortion people and homosexuals. Why do you think there's such support for each other's priorities?

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