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Friday, September 07, 2007

When the State Fails to Protect

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, vigilantes in Pennsylvania beat the daylights out of a suspected child predator:

Investigators said Mr. Newingham, 43, had been inviting children to his home since last month. Only once did any of them accept, police said.

On Tuesday evening he tried to lure a 10-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl who did not go inside, police said.

Officers had been patrolling the neighborhood around 8:30 p.m. when they found the suspect outside bleeding from injuries suffered in the beating.

I don't condone vigilantism, but unfortunately we may see more of this in the future, if government (mainly the judicial system) continues its failure to protect the public.

People feel like there's little justice anymore (they're right), and that the "justice" system isn't willing to protect them from evil men (they're right again). When people feel they can't trust the state to do it's job, right or wrong they feel compelled to get the job done themselves.

It's hard enough to convict dangerous criminals these days, due to all the games played with legal technicalities, but even if you do get them convicted, bleeding-heart judges and parole boards too often release these dangerous animals back on society.

Consider this case from WJZ-TV about a child predator that almost got away with victimizing another child.
Melinda Jarrell's husband, Brian, woke up to go to the bathroom early Monday morning, when he noticed a strange chemical smell coming from his son's bedroom. When he opened the door to check on his sleeping son, he found Marks hiding behind a dresser.

Police found at the home a list of evidence, including rags soaked in chemicals, apparently meant to drug the boy unconscious so that he could be molested.

Why was this animal still on the streets?
Court documents show Marks has been arrested several times for burglaries involving sexual acts on young male victims, but he was never been convicted on those charges.

Justice today isn't just blind, it's deaf and dumb and bereft of any common sense.

And there are countless other cases of young children kidnapped, molested and murdered by men who had been locked up for sex crimes before, only to be let out after short sentences or paroled early by bleeding heart boards. Why aren't these judges and parole boards being held accountable for their dereliction of duty and public endangerment?

The twisted sense of priorities held by our judicial system is a travesty. The concern the system should have for the innocent public is eclipsed by their obsession with the "rights" and "rehabilitation" of these beasts--which is seldom possible because those in charge of the corrections system seldom allow the life-changing ministries that could make a difference.

Our "justice" system might as well turn loose a bunch of feral wolves on our neighborhoods; at least you could tell right away that the wolf was a threat.


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